Respect for Habitats
Jarvis Homes is dedicated to ensuring that wildlife is treated with respect during the build process and we mitigate wherever possible, leaving a lasting natural legacy. We install bat boxes, bird boxes – including Tawny owl nests, hedgehog homes, underground bumble bee boxes and log piles across the development to support the natural environment. We have also omitted any street lighting and installed PIR sensory lighting to the houses to reduce light pollution as much as possible ensuring that nocturnal wildlife is not disturbed.
Natural Landscaping
We fully landscape our developments with planting, shrubs, hedges and water sources to attract and promote the natural habitat of various animal species. We plant wildflower turf, to offer much needed support to bees, butterflies and other pollinators. We often include ponds in our landscaping providing hibernacula features for important homes and feeding grounds for amphibians and reptiles. These water sources will not only bring harmony to the developments but also provide stepping-stones between patches of habitat, allowing species to move about freely.